We left at the beginning of July for an Alaskan/Yukon territory adventure. It was too much fun. I got to spend two whole weeks with my family and it was perfect. We flew into Vancouver and got on to a cruise ship for 3 1/2 days. Then it was a bus tour through the Yukon territory and Alaska. This was definitely the hardest part of the journey. It was early mornings and long hours on a bus...fine for us older folk, but my little guy didn't like being contained for so long. He was such a trooper and everyone said they couldn't believe how good he was. :) Proud Momma! Our journey ended by train in Anchorage. All in all, it was probably one of the best vacations I've ever been on. I saw beautiful, beautiful country and wildlife and spent quality time with my family. What is better than that?
Here are some pics from our trip.
Sightseeing in Vancouver
In the Captain's Nest on the ship
Gorgeous, green water & kind of moody fog :)
Waterfall in the bay
My sweet boys
Love this face
Love this pic
Uncommon Journey's, a dog sled kennel
"Skipping Rock" Lake
I'm in two places at once :)
Little man riding a moose
I love this little guy!
A moose on the side of the road. We also saw a black bear cub, grizzly mama and two cubs, a fox, and all kinds of other little critters.
We stopped in North Pole, Alaska. This Santa was so great and even signed a copy of Twas the Night Before Christmas for Kason.
Denali National Park - breathtaking!
After we got home, I had two and a half days to prepare for a job interview in Phoenix. I had to make plans to be gone for a week (after the interview, they tell you if you got the job...if you got it then you stay for a week of training). That included getting ready for the interview, which included a presentation, making a plan for who was going to watch the little guy, pack for him, and pack for me. I got the job (YAY!) so I stayed in Phoenix for a week. I had never spent a night away from Kason so the week was pretty tough.
I got home on Friday and this week I'm leading a cheerleading camp for a middle school in the district I used to work for. Needless to say, I've been a busy bee. :)
I plan on taking Friday and Saturday to recoop, and then I'll be back at it in Blogland. I'm excited to share a few projects I made for a friend for a baby shower. They are perfect decorations for the shower and can double as decor in the new nursery.
Have a super fantastic weekend! I'm so happy to be back! I sure have missed you all! :)