Well, you know what happened, don't you? The "I can make that" syndrome kicked in, and well, I did! :)
Would you like a pair too? Well, get out your glue gun because here's how to do it:
You'll need: 4 - 12 in. x 2 in. strips of tulle, 2 felt circles, feathers, 4 poly satin circles (2 big, 2 small), a rosette, 2 clip on earring clasps, scissors, needle, thread, glue gun, and a lighter.
Let's start by pleating a strip of tulle and forming it into a circle. Secure the circle with a few stitches from a needle and thread (or hot glue).
Gather, pleat, and turn until you make a full circle. I used two tulle circles per shoe for volume.
Next, take your poly satin circles and singe the edges with a lighter until they curl up and look like petals. You will need one small circle and one large circle per shoe. I believe my diameters were approximately 3" for the large circle and 2" for the small circle.
Now it's time to layer. Start with the felt, glue on your feathers, tulle, big poly satin circle, small poly satin circle, and then your rosette. You could add a button to the middle of the flower like the inspiration, but I chose to keep mine simple and sweet. NOTE: I found my rosette in the remnant section at Hobby Lobby.
After you have assembled your flower, turn it over and hot glue on your clip on earring. NOTE: The end of the clasp might be uncomfortable on your toes. You can put a little piece of felt over the back or use a different type of clip, like an alligator one.
I bought my ballet flats at Wal-Mart on clearance for $7.00! Talk about taking a ho-hum pair of shoes and making them look like a million bucks!
And because we used a clip, we can take these beauties off and put them on a headband, on a sweater or jacket, or on a handbag. I love items that serve double or triple duty! Versatility is my middle name. :)
This project was so simple, and affordable...not to mention adorable. Isn't it great making your own version of something because you can custom tailor it for you. I love my all black version of these shoes. I will get so much more use out of them. I have the black flats in brown too, so I'm off to make another pair.
Now go make yourself some LOFT inspired sassy shoes! :) If you do, please send me a pic! I would love to see your creations! :)
I'll be linking up to these super parties!