Monday, January 31, 2011

Be a Better Me {January} Update

Honestly, I almost forgot about being a better me in January!  :)  It seems to have flown by and I'm sitting here wondering where the time went.  If I had made "true" resolutions, I would have epically failed.  However, I made a resolution to tackle being a healthier me, so let's see how poorly I did.  :)

Here is the list of things that I wanted to do this month:
  • Set up doctors appointments (one for a physical, and one to see the dermatologist) - hmm, this is moved to the February TO DO list
  • Eat out only once per week - haha!  Considering I was on the road for 6 days this month, that did not happen.  I didn't even try to be good.  Just keepin' it real. :)
  • Cook and try new, healthy recipes  - I did cook quite a bit and tried new, healthy recipes. YAY!
  • Snack on veggies - HA!
  • Cut out caramel colored soda - I've cut back tremendously.  At most, I'll have one cola per day, and some days none. :)
  • Walk or jog at least 3 times a week for at least 45 minutes - Again, moving this one to February.  I do have some new workout DVDs that I'm hoping to give a whirl and a new Wii game.
  • Schedule a girl's night out - I did schedule a girl's night out that turned into a brunch...where I had to bring the monkey.  :)  I tried.
  • Get a massage - I love February!
  • Make time just for me to do what I want to do (read, craft, blog, take a warm bubble bath, etc.) - I have to admit this one was a toughy because January was super busy with my "real" job, but I did make time to take naps and read.  I finished two books! :)
All in all, I did okay.  I'm making baby steps strides to be a healthier and better me in 2011. :)  How are you all doing with your resolutions? 



  1. You did great!!!! If you conquered it all in January then you would have nothing to work toward the rest of the year. Keep up the great work and keep trying to accomplish small things. I don't know if you read my FB post earlier today, but I read a great quote today in a book. It was very refreshing and calming.

    "The kingdom of God, you see, is a paradox. While the world applauds achievement, God desires companionship. The world clamors, "DO MORE! Be all that you can be!" But our Father whispers, "Be still and know that I am God."" Joanna Weaver

    It's just really nice to know that God doesn't care about what we accomplish every day or every month for that matter. He cares about us!! So relax tonight. Love ya girl!!!

  2. Here's how I defeated cola a few years ago....

    I measured out 9 teaspoons of sugar when I had a craving for it.

    I remember teaching this in a lesson when I was teaching jr high nutrition...

    hope this helps!

  3. I made a resolution this year to try healthier, new recipes for my family. Try this website: Their recipes involve the kids! My children are having a blast in the kitchen with me... even if it's as simple as rubbing chicken around in a bag full of marinade. :) Here's to February!

  4. good luck! :] love the blog! cant wait to start following and catching up with your posts! Love it!

  5. Good for you for keeping track and being brave enough to publish. Something I heard in a yoga class that I'm trying to remember every day: "Progress, not perfection".

  6. I think you did pretty well! And good for you for keeping it real. It takes a tough woman to admit things she didn't accomplish in front of so many readers! Be sure and get that massage this month! :)

  7. You did great and fitting new things into your schedule can be hard. Baby steps and you'll get there!

  8. baby steps is what will help these become lifestyle opposed to just resolutions...doing great!


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