Sunday, March 6, 2011

1000 Follower Extravaganza

Hello Sweet Friends!  I hope you all had a stellar weekend!  Mine was super GREAT!  The hubs was out of town on his first hunting trip with my dad (not the great part...I missed him), so the monkey and I had the casa to ourselves all weekend.  We had tons of fun watching Nick Jr., playing outside, and just having some good ole mommy/kiddo time!  It was perfect! :)

Another fantastic part of the weekend was that Crafts & Sutch reached 1000 followers!  All I can say is holy WOW!  I'm simply over the moon and so very thankful for all of you that come and visit my little piece of Blogland. :)  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your support and your friendships, and I want to honor you!  Let's celebrate, shall we?

This week is all about thanking you so Crafts & Sutch is doing it up right with giveaways every single day!  You won't want to miss a single one!



  1. Yay Erin!!! So excited for this week!!
    And I'm going to enter the giveaways but if you want to put in a good word for Mr. Random for that ShoeDazzle giveaway - I'd be super happy. ;) I think I might be addicted to looking at shoes there.

  2. I am glad to bestow 'Versatile Blogger' award on you.

    Please visit this link and accept the award. Thanks">

  3. Congrats! And to think I was excited about 200! :) Your 1000+ followers are well deserved.

  4. Congrats my dear...that's fabulous!!


  5. I'm so stinkin' excited for you, Erin!! Can't wait to enter all of the giveaways this week. :)

  6. Erin, congratulations on 100 followers! That's incredible, and well deserved! Jenn

  7. we're almost tied with you, lol! we hit 1000 this wknd too. feels good huh? LOVE your blog!!! (:


I love to hear from you! :)