Here is the list of things that I wanted to do this month:
- Set up doctors appointments (one for a physical, and one to see the dermatologist) - hmm, this is moved to the February TO DO list
- Eat out only once per week - haha! Considering I was on the road for 6 days this month, that did not happen. I didn't even try to be good. Just keepin' it real. :)
Cook and try new, healthy recipes- I did cook quite a bit and tried new, healthy recipes. YAY!- Snack on veggies - HA!
- Cut out caramel colored soda - I've cut back tremendously. At most, I'll have one cola per day, and some days none. :)
- Walk or jog at least 3 times a week for at least 45 minutes - Again, moving this one to February. I do have some new workout DVDs that I'm hoping to give a whirl and a new Wii game.
Schedule a girl's night out- I did schedule a girl's night out that turned into a brunch...where I had to bring the monkey. :) I tried.- Get a massage - I love February!
Make time just for me to do what I want to do (read, craft, blog, take a warm bubble bath, etc.)- I have to admit this one was a toughy because January was super busy with my "real" job, but I did make time to take naps and read. I finished two books! :)